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Buzz Women in The Netherlands offers two different programs, which we rather call experiences. Participants get the opportunity to dig deep and discover new perspectives on your personal life and the world around you, together with others.


We are building a buzzing community through our seasonal calendar that is full of inspirational events and gathering, which everyone can attend! 

flagship programs

We currently have the following programs rolled out:

programs NL

The Inner Power

This 3 half day training is for all women who are ready to get behind the wheel of their own life. We focus on what makes you special and create a safe space where we can learn, share and support each other.


What are your dreams and goals? And how are we going to achieve them?


The Gift

The Gift is a 3-day experience for women and men that makes you completely shift the way you look at yourself and the life you lead. You’ll experience that your role is not isolated but in fact fits into a larger web of social awareness and forward momentum. The Gift enables you to personalize the major themes of our time.


It helps you gain deeper insight into how you can use your inner genius, your innate fire, more authentically.

team NL

A word from our changemaker in The Netherlands

Dave Jongeneelen



What did you do before Buzz?

I was founder of Better Future, a global leadership consulting firm that helps leaders and organisations become more purposeful and impact driven.


Why did you start Buzz Women?

​The idea came when I was leading a leadership session in a village in The Gambia. During a break, many people from the village joined our session. Their eagerness to learn made me think: how can we reach those who don't have access to education, in particular women. The idea of bringing the school to them, rather than them going to school, was born that day. 



the team

Dave Jongeneelen
Co-founder & Director

The realisation that we give so many women the chance to take charge of their own development every single day. 


Ama van Dantzig
Changemaker Buzz Africa






Shari Veldhuizen
International Partnerships & Development

I love the fact that Buzz is about each and everyone of us. It's about how we treat ourselves, the people around us and this world at large. We're making an impact on so many levels. The global team we're working with right now truly gives me wings. The sky is the limit and I'm already excited for our next steps.  


Dagmar Heemskerk
Changemaker NL

My biggest dream with Buzz Women would be to facilitate that this movement can expand to the places I know so well: Mali and Bali. My dream comes true if women in all these places in the world are connected to each other - close by and far away - and feel supported to unleash their own potential and make positive changes together.


board members

Buzz Women The Netherlands is actively supported by the following people. We are proud to call them Buzz advisors and ambassadors:

Tera Terpstra


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Rinze Verbeek


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David de Buck


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Simone de Jong


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The Ambassadors

The Ambassadors are an exclusive group of independent professionals and entrepreneurs who come together regularly and function as a sounding board for our organization in The Netherlands. Becoming an ambassador means you’re investing both time and finances into bringing the Buzz Women movement forward. As an ambassador you:
  • Contribute €5.000,- annually for 3 years or more

  • Get invited to network events for personal updates three times a year

  • Get the opportunity to visit one of the Buzz Women countries

  • Become part of a vibrant group of people who are closely connected to the work and mission of Buzz Women worldwide


Interested in becoming an ambassador? Send us an e-mail at

Inge Lamé
Entrepreneur & Founder

Zonder Zorg Zelfstandig



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Mikkel Hofstee
CEO Lifeguard


Buzz Women has a root cause approach when it comes to addressing many of the world’s problems. Education, and in particular of women is the true magic that Buzz Women carries out locally.

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Maud Pinckers
Head of Marketing


I love the fact that we empower women in their own community, and make them aware of their strength and capabilities. Bringing out the best in themselves, and hence, for their entire community.

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Jelle Terpstra
Legal Advisor
Liance Legal


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Beate van Dongen

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Willem Horstmann
Chief Risk Officer

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Catelijne Bach


Special about Buzz Women is that this beautiful and creative initiative brings the changes, so desperately needed in this contemporary world, using the power of the people involved, involving strong women and at the same time strengthening women.

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Marielle Sijgers
Co-founder Seats2meet​


By educating women in countries like India, where it’s very challenging to offer access to good education in the villages, BuzzWomen makes sure that women are empowered to develop theirselves and be able to use their full potential.

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Monique Schulte

Ingrid van Rossum.jpeg

Ingrid van Rossum
Meaningful Growth


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Buzz Women supports thousands of women and their families around the world—but we don’t carry out our mission alone. These partners make it possible for us to do what we do every day.
partners NL

Interested in becoming a partner? Send us an e-mail at

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