We need you to make more impact. We believe in the power of collaboration. Working together to empower more women and address the most pressing challenges of our time: poverty, climate change and health care. Discover two different options to partner with Buzz Women.
Become a High Fiver
For every €5,- we can educate one woman. How many High Fives do you give?
Become a structural partner of Buzz Women. Decide how many women you want to train per month and sign up!
As a HighFiver you:
Become part of our network of like-minded individuals and businesses.
Receive invites for the yearly Buzz conference, possibilities to visit Buzz Women in India or The Gambia
Hear updates from our women in the field.
Will be welcomed with our special High Five Loyalty Package, which enables you to give visibility to your contribution.
Are you ready to start changing the world?
You can register as a High Fiver, right here right now through the payment form below. Or leave your email address and we’ll get in touch first.
Become a strategic partner
We are always looking for new ways to collaborate with companies, foundations and individuals. If you are interested in becoming a partner of Buzz Women you can leave your contact details below. We are more than happy to get in touch and discuss potential partnerships. Or you can give us a call right now!